It’s been a while…

Well it has been awhile since my last post which was made shortly after I commenced treatment for stage 4 melanoma in February this year. The good news is things are going well and after 9 months I am in remission, which several years ago was unheard of in relation to this disease. A huge thank you to my oncologist and her staff and to my special family.

I wont go into details, and there has been some ups and downs along the way particularly in relation to the negative side effects of the treatment, but the trial drugs I have been administered are doing the job, at the moment anyway. I have no idea what the medium on long term holds for me but despite the difficulties along the way so far there has been some great moments over the past 9 months. I will make some separate posts in relation to each but here are some photographs……….:

  • a quick trip to Queenstown in New Zealand.
  • a trip with Cricket Australia to the Ashes tests in Lords and Edgbaston with Spain in between.
  • and  our daughter, Emma’s, recent wedding. 🙂
Categories: Uncategorized | 3 Comments

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3 thoughts on “It’s been a while…

  1. I hope you have a complete recovery. Melanoma is terrifying, but it seems you have it under control.


  2. Alan

    Thanks Debra. It is an amazing new drug. We hope to get back to Bagni Di Lucca sooner than later!


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